Thursday, December 1, 2011

C-Free + Serial (Software Pemogramman Bahasa C)

bagi yang lagi belajar atau membuat program dengan bahasa C gunakan saja software ini, size nya yang kecil dan gak ribet pokoknya, silahkan dicoba

C-Free is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for C and C++ programming language. With this environment you can edit, build, run, and debug your program freely. Both C and C++ learners and masters will find many impressive functions on it, and enjoy themselves with it.

Whether used as a C/C++ editor or as a stand-alone programming environment, C-Free provides programmers a tool to create, modify, and debug code faster and more accurately.
Product Details
Small, Speed and Simplicity

Although we includes MinGW 5 package in C-Free, as an IDE, C-Free is much smaller than any other ones in industry. The installation file size is only 14MB, and after installed, the total files size in C-Free installation directory is 80MB.

From the instant you launch C-Free you'll appreciate its speed. For quick changes you can launch C-Free, make your edits, and close down in less time than it takes for other IDEs to finish loading. you will experience very rapid response times to keyboard and mouse commands. C-Free provides intelligent inputting assistance that boosts your coding speed by popping up a hovering tooltip. Without makefile, C-Free detects the changed files in project quickly, and build them. When debugging, C-Free integrates with GDB seamlessly, provides you rapid response of tracing.

One chief feature of C-Free is easy to use. C-Free provides you 'start' and 'stop' button to run your program and terminate it. Before running the program, C-Free will deduce whether the program need to rebuild. C-Free uses its intelligence to highlight function name, auto indent while you are typing, insert code template at the proper level. C-Free provides you the ability to dock all windows, hide toolbars and change the coloring of the background, text and symbol types.

Membuat Konverter Suhu Dengan Pemogramman C

kamu mau bikin konverter suhu menggunakan bahasa C ? saya disini akan memberikan source code nya hehehe siapa tau ini bermanfaat untuk anda dan silahkan di otak atik lagi sesuai keinginan anda.
Langsung aja lihat source code di bawah ini

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klik skip add di ujung kanan atas yaaa :D